Gestão & Produção
Volume 29, 2022
29, 2022
Artigo Original vol.29, e0821, 2022 Instruments to measure patient experience in hospitals: a scoping review
Juliana Maria Savio Bernardo; Glauco Henrique de Sousa Mendes; Fabiane Letícia Lizarelli; Meliza Goi Roscani vol.29, e163, 2022 Decision making in the process of choosing and deploying industry 4.0 technologies
jocieli francisco da silva; flávia luana da silva; débora oliveira da silva; luiz alberto oliveira rocha; ágata maitê ritter vol.29, e099, 2022 Contributions to the future of metaheuristics in the contours of scientific development
Nilo Antonio de Souza Sampaio; José Salvador da Motta Reis; Maximilian Espuny; Ronald Paland Cardoso; Fabricio Maciel Gomes; Felix Monteiro Pereira; Luís César Ferreira; Motta Barbosa; Gilberto Santos; Messias Borges Silva vol.29, e5621, 2022 Sustainability in practice: a study on the municipal public management of Teresina
Stênio Lima Rodrigues; Francisco Antônio Gonçalves de Carvalho; Egberto Batista de Oliveira; Jairo de Carvalho Guimarães vol.29, e1921, 2022 Pull processes in health care: a systematic literature review
Rafael Consentino de la Vega; Gustavo Oliveira Pinto; Fatima Faria Ribeiro; Thaís Spiegel vol.29, e10621, 2022 Evaluation of leverage points of the Brazilian football value ecosystem using system dynamics
Rosiane Serrano; Maria Isabel Wolf Motta Morandi; Daniel Pacheco Lacerda; Ricardo Augusto Cassel; Fabio Sartori Piran vol.29, e13921, 2022 Overview of the factors that influence the competitiveness of startups: a systematized literature review
Claudio Roberto Silva Júnior; Julio Cezar Mairesse Siluk; Alvaro Neuenfeldt Júnior; Carmen Brum Rosa; Cláudia de Freitas Michelin vol.29, e13921, 2022 Overview of the factors that influence the competitiveness of startups: a systematized literature review
Claudio Roberto Silva Júnior; Julio Cezar Mairesse Siluk; Alvaro Neuenfeldt Júnior; Carmen Brum Rosa; Cláudia de Freitas Michelin vol.29, e7621, 2022 Dynamics of coffee output in Nigeria
Ndubuisi Chigozirim Onwusiribe; Jude Anayochukwu Mbanasor; Ogbannaya Ukeh Oteh
Gest. Prod.