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Study on the state of the art of critical success factors and project management performance

Geordy Souza Pereira; Olívio Novaski; Norival Ferreira dos Santos Neto; Francisco de Assis da Silva Mota

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abstract:: This article has carried out a state-of-the-art survey of the main international publications related to Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and project management performance from 2009 to 2019. The publications were extracted from the databases of the platforms Engineering Village, Web of Science and Scopus. In total, 77 works published in major international journals were selected for the bibliographic review. It was noted that the approaches that stood out in these articles are related to evaluation system, maturity analysis, types of strategies, use of management tools, and project governance process. The research has also identified 19 CSFs most cited in these publications and grouped them into categories. The results showed that a CSF related to human resources – team commitment – was the most cited in the publications. It is expected that the results of this work can contribute to the understanding, expansion and continuous enhancement of research in the field of project management. By producing a database of scientific works and presenting an overview of the needs and challenges that have to be overcome, it should also contribute to providing researchers with a theoretical background for further development in the field.


Project management, Critical success factors, Performance, State of the art, Bibliographic survey


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