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Instruments to measure patient experience in hospitals: a scoping review

Juliana Maria Savio Bernardo; Glauco Henrique de Sousa Mendes; Fabiane Letícia Lizarelli; Meliza Goi Roscani

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Abstract:: Patient experience (PE) has been associated with patients' perception of care services, organizational culture, and interactions experienced by patients. This article aims to characterize the process of measuring adult PE in general hospitals. Therefore, a scoping review (Scoping Review) in a sample of 51 empirical articles dealing with the assessment of PE was analyzed. The results show the predominance of quantitative PE measurement methods. HCAHPS is the most used instrument to evaluate PE. It was also possible to identify the attributes and dimensions (independent variables) considered in the PE measurement. In this case, the relational aspects between patients and health professionals have received great attention in the PE. Measures such as patient experience, satisfaction, quality, and loyalty have been used as PE outcomes (dependent variables). The article contributes to understanding the operationalization and measurement of PE by emphasizing the attributes and dimensions that have been considered in PE measurement, which can be useful for researchers and healthcare professionals interested in evaluating and identifying discrepancies in healthcare services.


Patient experience, Measurement, Hospital, Scoping review


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