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Results of the application of autonomous maintenance in the mitigation of waste generation: Case study in a footwear company in Jaú/SP

Marcos Antonio Bonifácio; Antonio Cesar Germano Martins

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Abstract: Finding alternatives to what is generally used in companies allows a different strategic vision to be built, which can lead to different results. In this context, the present study applied the Autonomous Maintenance pillar (AM) of the Total Productive Maintenance tool (TPM) in an unusual context. The AM is used to involve the various actors of the company in the conservation of equipment with the aim of improving their performance concerning a reduction of failures and an availability and reliability increase. In the present study, the AM had the objetive of mitigating the generation of waste in the production of a women's shoes industry, installed in a Local Productive Agglomeration (LPA). This APL is composed mostly of micro and small enterprises (MPE) that do not have the culture to using maintenance tools, but in its process generate hazardous waste. It is important to highlight that this kind of company does not typically use the concepts of industrial maintenance. In conclusion, with the implementation of the AM pillar, it was possible to reduce the volume of waste generated in the cutting sector, contrary to the fact that the company does not use the concepts of industrial maintenance in its strategic decisions, thus opening up new strategic possibilities for discussing the use of widely disseminated tools in some areas for other purposes.


Women's shoes, Autonomous maintenance, Total productive maintenance, Local productive agglomeration


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