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Sustainability in complex projects of civil construction: bibliometric and bibliographic review

Josivan Leite Alves; Igor Bernardino Borges; Jeniffer de Nadae

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Abstract:: The complexity that surrounds the construction projects ends up hampering the balance between economic, environmental and social issues. In this context, this research aims to know the behavior of international scientific production relating sustainability to complex projects, through a systematic literature review and bibliometric indicators. It was searched for articles that related the terms “project *”, “complex *”, “sustainability”, “building OR civil construction” in the Scopus database, resulting in a sample of 331 articles. There is a tendency of studies on the subject from 2006, where the articles, for the most part, seek to understand the consequences and complexity in the implementation of works, through case studies. The sample obtained also showed that the American researchers lead in quantity of research and are the most cited. Finally, the emerging international interest in sustainable construction may correlate with the growing number of green buildings and the existing certifications that characterize sustainable buildings.


Sustainability civil construction, Complex projects, Bibliometric


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