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Maturity and level of knowledge management in the company: an application of Nonaka and Takeuchi model and Fuzzy Logic

Lídia Silveira Arantes; Orlando Martinelli Junior; Thales de Oliveira Costa Viegas; Júlio Eduardo Rohenkoh

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Abstract: : This paper aims to understand how the interconnection between the tacit and explicit dimensions of knowledge impacts knowledge management and its degree of maturity. Knowledge management maturity is understood as the ability firms are expected to have in order to exercise (to some degree) the skills required to manage knowledge internally. Nonaka and Takeuchi (N&T) model of organizational knowledge management was applied to a sample of companies (segmented by size) from the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, and Rio de Janeiro, by using the logic of fuzzy sets. The results have shown that small and medium companies have lower levels of knowledge management maturity when compared to large companies. However, in large companies, knowledge management is at medium levels. In this context, this paper suggests, as management guidelines, that companies measure their professionals' perception regarding the company level of knowledge management, pursuing to identify which of their components should be developed.


Knowledge, Companies, Management, Fuzzy logic


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