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Satisfaction of professionals of participating companies with the performance of supplier development programs

Carlos Jorge Taborda Macedo; Emerson Wagner Mainardes; Amilson de Araújo Durans

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Abstract: : With the aim of demonstrating the elements that lead to the satisfaction of the professionals of participating companies with the performance of the Supplier Development Programs - SDPs, something that can improve the performance of this type of program, this research aimed to identify if the trust, in its affective, behavioral and cognitive components, influences the commitment and the perception of less risks, leading, consequently, to the satisfaction of the professionals of participating companies with the performance of the SDPs to which they are linked. Based on studies involving all the analyzed constructs, relationships between them were suggested and a structural model was proposed associating them. A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out involving professionals from buyers and suppliers that participate in SDPs from all over Brazil, obtaining a sample, characterized as non-probabilistic and by accessibility, of 609 respondents from the application of a self-administered electronic questionnaire. For the analysis of the data, the modeling of structural equations was used, which indicated a positive relation for almost all the hypotheses, with only one being rejected. The findings suggest that reinforcing trust, mainly behavioral and cognitive, can increase the commitment of companies to the actions developed by the SDPs to which they are linked, as well as generate the perception that there are fewer risks when transacting with companies also linked to these programs, resulting in the satisfaction of buyers and suppliers. This may result in better program efficiency and effectiveness, and this is a contribution of this study, by identifying what leads participants to SDPs to be satisfied.


Supplier Development Programs, Satisfaction, Commitment, Perception of risk, Trust


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