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Project management in public-private partnerships: a conceptual framework based on a systematic literature review

Lucas Magalhães; Lucas Baraças Figueiredo; Lucas Torres de Jesus

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Abstract: Despite the increasing number of Public-Private Partnerships projects, the results have shown little effectiveness and difficulties in several aspects of project management. This study performs a systematic literature review combining bibliometric analysis and content analysis to identify the challenges in managing these projects and techniques to overcome them, highlighting the critical success factors for project management. The results indicate an increasing number of researches in the field, but there is still a lack of systematization of the management tools and absence of critical success factors during the accomplishment of this type of project. This study proposes a systematization of these elements throughout the project cycle, allowing project managers to visualize challenges and techniques to increase the results related to the main success factors of each stage.


Project management, Public-private-partnerships, Systematic literature review


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