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Evaluation of the efficiency of logistics activities using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

Alessandro Lepchak; Simone Bernardes Voese

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Abstract This study aimed to analyze the efficiency of activities related to logistics modes, transport and cargo handling in Brazil. The theoretical framework was composed of the logistics efficiency and of the discussion of the characteristics of modes of transport and of variables related to efficiency. The study was classified as descriptive and quantitative, using the technique of data envelopment analysis. As main results, the ancillary activities to air transport stand out as efficient, which reached scores of 100% in the analyzed periods, except in 2010, in which they obtained 91.58%. It is worth noting that the activities cabotage and long-haul and ancillary activities to land transport achieved three maximum efficiency scores. In addition to evaluating the benchmark for the activities of lower efficiency score, the study also included improvements needed for other activities to achieve maximum efficiency. Finally, the central contribution of the article lies in the proposition of a multimodal analysis model.


Logistics efficiency, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Logistics


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